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At William Read, the INTENT of our French curriculum is to equip pupils with the knowledge and skills to use the language in real life situations.  Also, it allows our pupils to appreciate another culture and develop transferable skills, increasing their understanding of diversity, their genuine love of language and word origins.

We have IMPLEMENTED a broad and balanced French curriculum, following the Language Angels scheme, where pupils are given the opportunity to master their learning by ‘applying what they have learnt to a new situation’.  French is currently taught by the subject leader across all classes in KS2.  Pupils will progressively acquire, use and apply a growing bank of vocabulary, language skills and grammatical knowledge.  Lessons, where possible, will be linked to class topics and may include listening to and translating French, reading and writing French words or sentences, learning songs and grammatical concepts.  

The IMPACT of our curriculum allows a broad and fun opening into the French language, which provides a strong baseline upon which pupils build their future education.  The progressive nature of the scheme means that pupils will continuously build upon their previous knowledge and consolidate their learning regularly.  Pupils will be able to greet each other in French, have a grounding in grammatical terms and have the necessary skills to approach language learning beyond primary school.