Important Information
We will regularly update this page with important letters and documents. Please click on each link to go to the information you wish to know.
To express your views of our school to Ofsted, please go to Parent View
View the Department for Education Performance Table School Data
- Link to Essex County Council website
- Link to education webpage
- Link to Department for Education homepage
- Link to Schools Financial Benchmarking website
Adverse Weather Arrangements
If the school is going to be closed:
We will update our website and the Essex County Council website at approximately 7.30am.
We will send a text to the first contact number you have given us and you will receive the text by 7.30am. We will also put a message on Dojo.
If the school can be open:
We will grit a pathway from Long Road to the Southwick Building and your children will be escorted into the Southwick Hall.
If icy, the children will not be going out to play at playtime and lunchtime.
If the children are in school and the weather deteriorates, we will follow the procedure for school closure as above and you may collect your children early. The collection of children other than your own in such circumstances will only be allowed if prior permission has been given by their parents on the Emergency Form which you are requested to complete when your child starts at the school.
If you are unable to collect your child, we will have staff on the premises to look after your child until the end of the normal school day.
You will be notified by text by 7.30am when the school re-opens and a message will be put on Dojo.
The children are still expected to go out at lunchtime if the areas are safe and do require warm clothing (i.e. coats, scarves, hats and gloves). Boots can be worn to and from school, but need to be changed in school. Please provide your child with a carrier bag to put the boots into.
We will make every effort to grit the main areas on our site. If some areas are icy/snowy please take care to supervise your children before the start of the school day. A member of staff will be on the playground from 8.30am to monitor the children. We will direct the children into the school in the morning.